Tuesday, June 2, 2009

"Rewriting History"

Recently there has been an outrageous concern for professional athletes when it comes to illegal substance and substance abuse. It doesn't come as a shock to me that there are so many people from past generations willing to deny professional athletes of their accomplishments, especially the latest of record breakers. It may not be fair for some players to compete professionally with other less fortunate athletes altogether. The rules are the rules. If you are aware particular rules/regulations and blatantly choose to violate, you obviously have little to no respect for the nature of the code of conduct. Oftentimes there are double standards to the rules. In general most athletes that train vigorously go through painstaking measures to compete on the professional level. Training year after year for most athletes becomes a bit more extreme as competitive nature seems to evolve into an unheard of reality. Never before have we seen/heard of so many 40 yard sprinters in the low 4's as we do in this day and age. Since the introduction of steroids, extreme training methods, and development of hormone/growth enhancement, its been sort of a toss up as for athletes figuring out how to strengthen required professional skills. To this day strength alone hasn't produced the best athlete in any sport. To this day rate of recovery hasn't programmed a single individual to perform necessary tasks in any sport, but it has helped hard working muscles to develop and assist support the frame of money motivated, pressured performance driven, Champion athletes. A double portion of mashed potatoes does provide twice the nutrition of a single portion, does that mean mashed potatoes are considered performance enhancing? Sometimes there are increased risks when performing at the body's maximum performance level. As Million dollar blue chip units for performance, do we depend on the provided nutrition of minimally sourced foods for necessary fuel to grow and repair as the finely tuned masterpieces of precision, that train most of our lives for competition. Think about it! Educate yourself , and pay attention to the argument that needs the most attention. Imagine if we were created to perform in rigorously demanding ways. Don't allow the hype to take away a lifetime of training and hard work from some of our most famed athletes. Conditioning and preparation has come a long way, but not far enough to replace ice, surgery, and other bio technological breakthroughs champions often succumb to.

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