Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sex: Is there a double standard for women?

A woman can love sex just as much as the next person , the conflict usually arises when sex and and the universal bond between men and women don't require the integral/mutual respect for self, others, friends, or even family! If the process to having sex was nurtured before hand most of the time, there would be less altercation and misunderstanding of one another's point and purpose in the whole otherwise promiscuous liaison! Whether or not your genitalia functions doesn't make you a man or a woman, it does justify means of reproduction often misplaced in ones spirit as far as what you may or may not hold as the highest of principle/fundamental standards in your heart. Recreational, therapeutic, occupational, and monogamous sex all seem have their place in society! It's probably best to recognize and sort your particular needs before hand and responsibly share them with your soon to be or current partner/partners or even friends and family for that matter to keep clear with those in your life the particular standards or lifestyle structure that fits your particular physical, emotional, or occupational, or monogamous needs/requirements. I think it hardly matters whether your a man or a women, but whether or not you know what your doing if at one point or another your in complete control of your actions as a responsibly mature individual!

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